3 Popular High CBD Strains

3 Popular High CBD Strains That You Need to Know About

Cannabis products have grown in popularity in the last couple of years. Due to its surge in popularity, cannabis and cannabis products have also continuously gotten better. One of the most important developments when it comes to cannabis is the rise in CBD-dominant strains. CBD, or cannabidiol, is the second most prevalent ingredient in cannabis. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is not responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. Instead, CBD is known to help with anxiety, depression, and seizures.

Unlike THC-dominant strains, strains that are high in CBD are more commonly used for medical purposes rather than for recreational use. These strains have been used for conditions such as epilepsy and opioid addiction. Not to mention its uses for pain relief and anxiety.  If you want to make use of cannabis without being inebriated, then a high CBD strain is the way to go.

Considering how useful CBD can be, it’s well worth further informing yourself about high CBD strains. This is why we thought it would be useful to put together a list of the most popular CBD-dominant strains. If this is something you want to know more about, read on for the three most popular high CBD strains that you need to know about.

Tatanka Pure CBD

If you’re looking for a high CBD strain, then Tatanka Pure may be just what you need. Tatanka is a CBD-dominant marijuana strain that’s made from a phenotype of Elixir Vitae. What’s great about Tatanka Pure is that it’s a strain that produces little to no intoxicating effects. Basically, this means you can use it and not get any of the psychoactive effects that are usually associated with it. This is why Tatanka Pure is a popular choice for medical marijuana patients, as it can help treat an array of ailments.

Queen CBD 20:1

Queen CBD 20:1 is a crowd favourite thanks to its relaxing and calming effects. Queen CBD 20:1 is a CBD-dominant strain that crosses Candida and Purpurea Ticinensis. Queen CBD is ideally suited to providing the same access without the associated cost of prescription cannabis-based medicine. Aside from its unique properties, Queen CBD 20:1 is most identifiable by its dense purple buds and high levels of limonene.

Charlotte’s Web

Lastly, Charlotte’s Web may just be the most popular high CBD strain. This strain got its name from Charlotte Figi, a young girl with a rare seizure disorder that used this strain to cope with her condition. Like most CBD-dominant strains, Charlotte’s Web (and all products derived from it) is non-intoxicating. With that being said, we suggest that you still consult with your doctor before you start taking any cannabis products to clear up any medical concerns you may have.


Hopefully, this article proves to be useful when it comes to furthering your understanding of high CBD strains. As you can see, CBD-dominant marijuana strains are completely different from other strains as they have no psychoactive effects attached to them. Be sure to keep all of this information in mind when selecting a strain so you can choose the best possible strain for your needs.

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