Due to the rapid growth and consistent yields, outdoor cultivation of autoflowering cannabis seeds is gaining popularity. Read on if you’re interested in learning where and how to plant autoflowering seeds for optimal results in the great outdoors. Cannabis plants that require a lot of light to bloom can be crossed with Ruderalis strains toRead more ⟶
Cannabis 101 – The Top Strains for Growers
Whether you’re a first-time grower or a seasoned pro, choosing the right cannabis strains can make all the difference. Cannabis plants that are easy to grow, hardy, and forgiving are helpful for beginners. On the other hand, advanced cultivators are not frightened of challenges and enjoy putting their skills to the test. The vast majorityRead more ⟶
How to Properly Store Your Cannabis Seeds, Sprouts and Buds
After all your hard work planting your cannabis seed and cultivating the sprout, it is finally time to harvest your buds. It is an exciting time for any grower, as it marks the culmination of all their efforts. However, it is necessary to remember that the harvest is just the beginning of the process. ToRead more ⟶
4 Best Cannabis Strains to Grow for Beginners
There are many factors to consider when choosing which cannabis strains to grow. The most important thing is to select well-suited strains for your climate and growing conditions. You’ll also want to consider what you want to accomplish with your cannabis plants. Are you looking to produce large yields of high-quality buds? Or are youRead more ⟶
The Key Signs That Cannabis Is Ready to Be Harvested
The best way to determine when to harvest your cannabis crop is to use a magnifying glass or microscope to examine the trichomes on the buds. Trichomes are the tiny, hair-like structures that cover the surface of the buds and contain the majority of the plant’s cannabinoids and terpenes. When the trichomes are clear, theRead more ⟶
A Guide to Planting and Germinating Marijuana Seeds
Growing marijuana from seeds is not an easy task. The process of germination requires a lot of knowledge and experimentation. If you want to learn more about germinating your marijuana seeds, keep reading below. Selecting the Right Marijuana Seeds to Germinate If you’re new to growing marijuana, you may wonder which seeds to choose forRead more ⟶
What to Know About Autoflower Cannabis Seeds before Buying
Autoflower cannabis is a type of cannabis plant that flowers automatically without the need for a change in the light cycle. This makes them ideal for growing in regions with short growing seasons, as well as indoors. However, despite those benefits, this doesn’t mean that autoflower cannabis is 100% free from any drawbacks. There are,Read more ⟶
7 Most Common Myths about Cannabis Seeds Finally Dispelled
Cannabis seeds are a hot commodity these days. With the legalisation of recreational marijuana and the decriminalisation of the drug in many parts of the world, people are interested in growing their own cannabis more than ever before. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there about cannabis seeds. This is especially true whenRead more ⟶
How to Use the Lunar Calendar to Guide Hemp Cultivation
Hemp cultivation is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to produce various products, including food, fuel, fibre, and medicine. The plant is believed to have originated in Central Asia, and it has been cultivated in many parts of the world since then. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interestRead more ⟶
What Are The Health Benefits You Can Get From CBD Oil
CBD oil is a popular natural remedy used for many common ailments. Though research on its health benefits is still in its early stages, CBD oil has been shown to relieve various symptoms and conditions. Let this article introduce you to CBD oil and the many health benefits you can get from it. What YouRead more ⟶