The prospect of growing cannabis may be difficult and overwhelming. You may wish to visit your online seed bank, but even the experience can be downright confusing and at times, beyond difficult. You will need to equip yourself with new terms and concepts, as choosing the right seeds and strains will be necessary. Many cannabisRead more ⟶
Category: Growing
Defend Your Greens – 3 Ways to Stop Caterpillars Wreaking havoc to Your Cannabis Plants
Growing cannabis in the great outdoors comes with plenty of perks – from having more space to expand your dank collection to producing bigger yields the next harvest season. Of course, the outdoors also has its drawbacks, most of which involve fending off pest infestation from feasting on the green crop. Infamous pests like aphids,Read more ⟶
The Best Way to Handle Your Flowering Cannabis Plants
How to handle your flowering cannabis plants – For both amateur and professional marijuana growers, the flowering stage of your cannabis plant is the most awaited and most important part of its life cycle. It is also the most sensitive time in the plant’s life, as it needs specialized care during this period in orderRead more ⟶
Growing Guide for Cannabis – How Much Will It Cost?
With the rising cost and demand for cannabis, it can be hard to get some weed for yourself. You might be considering growing your own cannabis to keep your own supply. However, if you think that it is as simple as planting some seeds into the dirt and watering it every day, then you mightRead more ⟶
Common Mistakes Novice Horticulturists Make When Planting For The First Time
Mistakes Novice Horticulturists Make – So you’ve probably smoked enough cannabis to know that you want more out of the experience, and what other way is better than to grow a plant yourself? We’re talking legally, of course. But before you go out and start purchasing whatever hemp seeds you see on the market, rememberRead more ⟶
3 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Growing CBD Hemp Seeds
Thanks to the widespread legalisation of cannabis all over the United Kingdom, Brtish citizens have been afforded the opportunity to enjoy the beneficial herb in various forms. From enjoying spliffs to ripping bongs, the manners in which one can enjoy nature’s medicine are nearly endless. Thanks to the ingenuity of researchers, manufacturers, and connoisseurs alike.Read more ⟶
3 tips to Stay Environmentally Friendly While Growing Cannabis
While growing cannabis plants is the last thing you would ever think of to be non-eco-friendly, that is actually sometimes the case. When we talk about the weed industry, many businesses grow them in unsustainable ways, all in the name of making money. If you are considering growing weed at home, you need to understandRead more ⟶
4 Ideas of What You Can Do With Your Cannabis Stems
Cannabis Stems – In the wonderful world of cannabis, stems rarely receive the love that they deserve. Some people throw their leftover stems away, while most people grind them up and consume them as they would the leaves. While this is definitely an option, keep in mind that stems do hold less tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) valueRead more ⟶
Cannabis Care – Why You Should Shift to Super Cropping
Why You Should Shift to Super Cropping – Growing one’s cannabis plants can be a challenging task for first-timers. There are many methods and tools that you’ll need to utilise so that your crops grow well with the specific conditions needed for growth and survival. One of the many High-Stress Training (HST) techniques that bothRead more ⟶
How to Grow Cannabis Buds to Maximise your Harvest
Growing large enough flowers to maximise cannabinoid content has proven to be a challenge for those who are tending to a weed garden. During the flowering phase of the plant, its flowers are highly-valued as they contain THC. The flowers of female plants contain the highest proportion of cannabinoids and are therefore the most significantRead more ⟶