4 Essential Elements Needed to Achieve Dense, Compact Cannabis Buds

When it comes to cannabis, there are several factors that determine an exceptional smoke sesh. The first is the overall experience, which includes the smell, taste and effects. The second is the high itself. An excellent high is one that provides an interesting, pleasant and uplifting feeling. This type of high is also memorable andRead more ⟶

Male vs Female CBD Seeds: How to Know the Difference?

If you are interested in growing your cannabis, it’s essential to familiarise yourself with cannabis seeds and their sexes. Male or female seeds have their own characteristics, and each has its value for growers. For instance, males are essential for producing more seeds, while females are beneficial for their THC-filled buds. Learn more about maleRead more ⟶

Grow Marijuana Properly with These Greenhouse Building Tips

Growing marijuana from cannabis seeds has become increasingly popular amongst hobbyists and commercial cultivators alike. Greenhouses are one option that has become increasingly popular amongst hobbyists and commercial cultivators alike. A greenhouse can be a great way to grow cannabis if you have the space. Here’s how to build the perfect greenhouse for growing yourRead more ⟶

Autoflowering vs Photoperiod: The Best Cannabis Seed to Grow

The first thing people should understand in growing cannabis at home is that there are three types to choose from—autoflowering, regular, and feminised. Choosing autoflowering seeds might be the best choice for people wanting an easy way in. However, how is it different from the photoperiod seeds, such as regular and feminised? The Differences AmongRead more ⟶

Autoflower Cannabis – When is the Ideal Time to Harvest

Harvesting buds is not as simple as chopping branches, drying them out, and hanging them in your closet when you’re having a party. You need to wait for the right moment to pick your flowers in order to get the best possible effect. Auto Harvesting Harvest time. It sounds so simple, right? Of course, itRead more ⟶

Reasons You Should Grow Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds

Many people think that autoflowering strains are due to fancy genetic modification. But the truth is, they are a product of years of careful breeding, which is a cross between regular Indica and Sativa strains with ruderalis lineages. The latter, ruderalis, is cannabis found in colder areas in the world, like China or Northern Russia.Read more ⟶