Understanding the Difference Between Feminised and Autoflowering seeds

The cultivation of cannabis is increasingly becoming more common, both for hobbyists and thrill-seekers. Most enjoy the process of cultivation itself, and the ability to grow their cannabis is a mere bonus. For others, however, this allows them the chance to germinate and experiment, thereby customising and changing their THC experiences forever. Whatever your reasonRead more ⟶

Autoflowering vs Feminised Seeds: Advantages for Indoor Cultivation

The indoor cultivation of cannabis has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. And for good reason, too! Enclosed environments are easier to control and protect. Growing cannabis in this manner is said to yield higher quality weed strains across a number of cannabis varieties. This is because indoor cannabis growers are able toRead more ⟶

How to Determine the Quality of Your Cannabis Seeds

Marijuana seeds are said to aid and even cure various ailments, such as depression, fatigue, stress, headaches, migraines, muscle spasm, and cancer. Because of this, many try to take advantage of the potential medicinal benefits they offer. If you are trying to alleviate your pain or manage the symptoms using cannabis seeds, you must ensureRead more ⟶

What You Should Know About Watering Cannabis Plants

It’s necessary to water plants in general, but watering cannabis plants is particularly important. There are several things to consider when the frequency of watering cannabis plants, especially if your purpose is to eventually have cannabis oil. This involves whether your plant is outdoors or indoors, the cultivar, the plant’s maturity, and the growth cycleRead more ⟶

Yellowing Marijuana Leaves – 3 Causes and How to Treat Them

Growing marijuana is much more complicated than raising common flowering plants. Since it demands particular growing conditions, you must know how to handle any potential threats to a bountiful harvest. Yellowing Marijuana leaves is a common illness among cannabis plants. For all plants, this is a sign of malnutrition that can lead to death. IfRead more ⟶

Reasons Cannabis Leaves Turn Yellow & What You Can Do About It

Are your cannabis leaves turning yellow? This could cause you to panic, but before you do, know that marijuana plants may get yellowing leaves for various reasons. Therefore, it’s essential that you stay calm and try to figure out first what’s causing the yellowing. In this post, we’ll talk about the reasons for yellow leavesRead more ⟶

Growing Marijuana Plants Successfully – Germination

Cultivating marijuana plants can enable you to have a convenient supply right at your fingertips. However, you need to be mindful of the proper care process and have access to the best marijuana seeds. Fortunately for you, all you have to do is keep reading to get started on your dreams of growing your marijuanaRead more ⟶