What Should You Do at the Cannabis Flowering Stage?

The flowering stage is the most significant aspect of marijuana cultivation for professional growers. When plants transition from the vegetative to the flowering stage, their growth slows down. When they begin to develop blooms (known as buds), it’s time to give them a new treatment, including changing light and nutrients. To help you get theRead more ⟶

What to Know About The Light Cycle for Cannabis Growth & Yield

When it comes to growing cannabis plants, proper lighting is an important part of the overall process. This is because the light cycle for flowering cannabis directly affects your crop’s quality and yield. With an appropriate light cycle, you can expect your cannabis plant to grow healthily and yield a good harvest in time. InRead more ⟶

Harvesting Cannabis – How to Grade Your Cannabis Seeds

Raising a bountiful harvest of cannabis can be challenging, especially since it’s a type of plant that has very particular needs. You’ll need to set up an environment that can attend to its different requirements, from the right humidity levels to appropriate soil nutrient conditions. Any miscalculation you make can ruin an entire crop, leadingRead more ⟶

Our Guide to Pollinating Cannabis Plants for Seed Production

Pollinating Cannabis Plants – In the world of plants and vegetation, pollination plays a vital role in their life cycle. Pollination is the process of transferring pollen from a male to a female part of a plant for its fertilisation and seed production. This process is essential in creating offspring for the next generation. DidRead more ⟶

3 Facts About Growing CBD Seeds Budding Growers Should Know

Facts About Growing CBD Seeds – With its critical role in delivering the medically-intrinsic effects of marijuana, cannabidiol (CBD) holds the highest distinction of providing solutions to further improve people’s lives. Thanks to the legalisation of medical marijuana (CBD) all over the UK and the advent of such products, more people have been exposed toRead more ⟶

5 of the Best Uses of the Cannabis Plant’s Excess Materials

Cannabis Plant’s excess materials – Cannabis is a wonder plant that is known to have plenty of benefits. In the world of using the cannabis plant, people often progress into the next stages by becoming a horticulturist and start to purchase marijuana seeds to start growing their own stashes. With a little bit of tenderRead more ⟶

The Best Way to Handle Your Flowering Cannabis Plants

How to handle your flowering cannabis plants – For both amateur and professional marijuana growers, the flowering stage of your cannabis plant is the most awaited and most important part of its life cycle. It is also the most sensitive time in the plant’s life, as it needs specialized care during this period in orderRead more ⟶

4 Ideas of What You Can Do With Your Cannabis Stems

Cannabis Stems – In the wonderful world of cannabis, stems rarely receive the love that they deserve. Some people throw their leftover stems away, while most people grind them up and consume them as they would the leaves. While this is definitely an option, keep in mind that stems do hold less tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) valueRead more ⟶

How to Grow Cannabis Buds to Maximise your Harvest

Growing large enough flowers to maximise cannabinoid content has proven to be a challenge for those who are tending to a weed garden. During the flowering phase of the plant, its flowers are highly-valued as they contain THC. The flowers of female plants contain the highest proportion of cannabinoids and are therefore the most significantRead more ⟶

4 Ways to Maximise Auto-Flowering Cannabis Plants Harvest

Maximise Auto-Flowering Cannabis Plants – As one of the biggest trends in the cannabis world, auto-flowering plants have received a significant amount of buzz in recent years—for all the right reasons. Why are auto-flowering cannabis plants sought-after? The main reason auto-flowing cannabis plants have been widely-acclaimed by professional and amateur growers alike is that theyRead more ⟶