3 Benefits of Hemp Seeds as a Source of Protein

Hemp is one of the most multipurpose plants to-date as it has plenty of uses – from industrial applications to provide therapeutic benefits in the form of CBD from hemp extracts. In terms of enhancing your health, hemp doesn’t just contain cannabinoids that can provide pain relief and mood lifts. It also has nutritional attributesRead more ⟶

Everything You Need to Know About CBD Seed Growth

CBD Seed Growth – CBD Cannabis seeds have many different uses, mainly for medicinal purposes. Knowing how they work will make you more insightful when it comes to the specifics and uses of the seeds. How germination of CBD seeds work Cannabidiol, or CBD, seeds are around three to four millimetres long and roughly twoRead more ⟶

Types of CBD Seeds – What to Know

Types of CBD Seeds – In recent times, there has been much talk about the growth and use of cannabis plants. Among them, hemp is grown and cultivated to produce an extremely low level of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and achieve a high content of Cannabidiol (CBD) component. Know that THC is the chemical responsible for mostRead more ⟶

How to Deal with Stretching Cannabis Seedlings

Deal with Stretching Cannabis Seedlings – Many new marijuana growers may believe that having spindly, stretchy stems from seedlings is an impression of a tall plant waiting to flourish. However, it is a tell-tale sign of stress and serves as the bane of unseasoned cultivators. The long stems don’t provide a stable base for theRead more ⟶

Our Guide to CBD & THC Strains

CBD & THC Strains – The cannabis plant has posed many controversies, both in a negative and positive light. However, with various researches and medical breakthroughs, it has shown that there are many potentials that this plant brings. One notable difference is that this plant contains two of the most popular properties: cannabinoids (CBD) andRead more ⟶