Everything You Need to Know About CBD Seed Growth

CBD Seed Growth – CBD Cannabis seeds have many different uses, mainly for medicinal purposes. Knowing how they work will make you more insightful when it comes to the specifics and uses of the seeds. How germination of CBD seeds work Cannabidiol, or CBD, seeds are around three to four millimetres long and roughly twoRead more ⟶

What Happens If You Touch Marijuana Seeds with Your Bare Fingers?

Mary Jane, Weed, Pot, Grass, Chronic, Joint, 420—whether you call it using a woman’s name or a bunch of numbers, many people may easily recognize what it is you’re referring to. However, no matter what you want to call it, it is most famous for being one thing: it is a drug (although, personally thinkRead more ⟶

How to Grow Cannabis Indoors – Our Quick Guide

How to Grow Cannabis Indoors – Thanks to the widespread legalization of cannabis, more and more countries all over the world have been able to access the wide range of benefits that come with the so-called “miracle plant.” From stress relief to anxiety solutions, the results of legalization of cannabis has opened up a wideRead more ⟶

How to Deal with Stretching Cannabis Seedlings

Deal with Stretching Cannabis Seedlings – Many new marijuana growers may believe that having spindly, stretchy stems from seedlings is an impression of a tall plant waiting to flourish. However, it is a tell-tale sign of stress and serves as the bane of unseasoned cultivators. The long stems don’t provide a stable base for theRead more ⟶

4 Ways to Maximise Auto-Flowering Cannabis Plants Harvest

Maximise Auto-Flowering Cannabis Plants – As one of the biggest trends in the cannabis world, auto-flowering plants have received a significant amount of buzz in recent years—for all the right reasons. Why are auto-flowering cannabis plants sought-after? The main reason auto-flowing cannabis plants have been widely-acclaimed by professional and amateur growers alike is that theyRead more ⟶

A Basic Guide to Transplanting Cannabis Seedlings

Transplanting Cannabis Seedlings – Out of all the different steps in the entire cannabis life cycle, most people tend to struggle with the seedling phase because of the complicated and intricate process that comes with it. No matter how difficult it can get, however, it is still important to take the utmost care when dealingRead more ⟶

Cannabis Seed Germination – Quick Fix

Cannabis Seed Germination – One of the factors that guarantee the quality of cannabis seeds is through its germination process. If you plan to germinate these seeds, it’s essential to know the best practices to ensure that you get the best out of it. Seedlings need to start their life right. That’s why you haveRead more ⟶

Cannabis Growing – 3 Ways to Reduce Energy Consumption

Reduce Energy Consumption – Growing cannabis plants can be such a delicate topic. Apart from their worldwide controversies and recent legalization in several states and countries, the indoor cultivation of cannabis plants is already in question in many places. It’s not the soil, fertilizer, or seeds that you need to keep in mind when growingRead more ⟶