Weed Growth: The Role of Air Circulation to Plant Growth

Air circulation is one of the most important aspects of indoor cannabis cultivation. Proper air circulation ensures that the plants receive the right amount of fresh air, CO2, and humidity and prevents the build-up of heat and moisture in the grow room. Indoor cannabis growers often overlook the importance of air circulation, leading to mouldRead more ⟶

Important Things You Should Know about Hemp Leaf Burn

Today, the world of hemp growing and cultivation has vastly progressed and grown. While plenty of knowledge and resources are available now, we still have a lot to learn. Although hemp growers devote a lot of attention to their cultivation process, they can still encounter problems. One of these problems is hemp leaf burn. Today,Read more ⟶

Simple Tips to Keep Your Cannabis Seeds in Good Shape

The attention you give your cannabis seeds will decide how well your plants develop and how successful your harvest will be. Because we’re dealing with a natural product that needs to mature, the conditions in which it’s stored will affect its eventual yield. Even though marijuana seeds are tough and self-sufficient, you need to takeRead more ⟶

3 Common Cannabis Seedling Issues

If you’ve recently bought cannabis seeds, you’re likely invested in making sure they sprout and thrive to become high-quality marijuana plants. However, taking care of seedlings can be tricky, especially when it’s your first time trying to grow a plant. You may run into a few issues when growing cannabis seedlings, which will affect themRead more ⟶

How to Spot Healthy Cannabis Plants

Any devoted grower should identify what a cannabis plant is indicating at various phases of its growth. This means that you will experience and learn from the strange phenomena that will occur on your crop. However, if your plant has a bright aura, you should be concerned since you will need to preserve it duringRead more ⟶

Growing Your Cannabis Seeds – What is the Ideal Humidity Level?

If you are on your journey towards having your cannabis garden or just plain curious about cannabis seeds and their growth, this article will teach you how to improve your cannabis seedlings’ growth. The Importance of Humidity Every plant is different, but they share some common characteristics and needs. For one, plants need water toRead more ⟶

How to Grow Your Cannabis Seeds at Home

Growing cannabis can be overwhelming for a first-timer. Just like other plants, they require a lot of care, attention, and time. However, unlike other plants, you don’t just plant them in the soil, give them a bit of sunshine, and provide them with some water from time-to-time—it takes a lot more to ensure it growsRead more ⟶

Yellowing Marijuana Leaves – 3 Causes and How to Treat Them

Growing marijuana is much more complicated than raising common flowering plants. Since it demands particular growing conditions, you must know how to handle any potential threats to a bountiful harvest. Yellowing Marijuana leaves is a common illness among cannabis plants. For all plants, this is a sign of malnutrition that can lead to death. IfRead more ⟶

Reasons Cannabis Leaves Turn Yellow & What You Can Do About It

Are your cannabis leaves turning yellow? This could cause you to panic, but before you do, know that marijuana plants may get yellowing leaves for various reasons. Therefore, it’s essential that you stay calm and try to figure out first what’s causing the yellowing. In this post, we’ll talk about the reasons for yellow leavesRead more ⟶

Fungai Fusarium in CBD Plants

What is Fungai Fusarium and How to Protect Your Cannabis Plants Growing your cannabis plants can bring you several benefits; however, the process also comes with different challenges. Like growing other crops and plants, you will likely encounter a few pests and insects before seeing your seedlings grow into beautiful cannabis plants. One particular fungusRead more ⟶