The most crucial reason to harvest your cannabis crop and start curing is that it improves your weed. During the drying phase, the moisture content decreases, while the terpenes and cannabinoids transform into a more fragrant form, making the smoke smoother. In addition, the curing process dramatically increases the shelf life of your stash, meaningRead more ⟶
Category: Storage
3 Factors to Consider to Store Your Marijuana Seeds Longer
Are you suffering from FOMO (fear of missing out)? Chances are, you’re subscribed to many seed banks to ensure you do not miss out on another sale of marijuana seeds ever again. But of course, by now, you’ll have a bunch of seeds lying around, but you’re wondering whether or not they’ll actually last youRead more ⟶
The truth About Cannabis Seeds – Do They Go Bad?
Perhaps you’re here because you tried germinating some old cannabis seeds but found that nothing happened. Or maybe you’re here because you’ve stored some seeds, and you’re thinking of planting them again, but you’re risking time not knowing if they’re viable or not. Whatever reason you have, the common question is this: Can marijuana seedsRead more ⟶
Simple Tips to Keep Your Cannabis Seeds in Good Shape
The attention you give your cannabis seeds will decide how well your plants develop and how successful your harvest will be. Because we’re dealing with a natural product that needs to mature, the conditions in which it’s stored will affect its eventual yield. Even though marijuana seeds are tough and self-sufficient, you need to takeRead more ⟶
What You Need to Know When it Comes to Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds are popular for a number of reasons. One question many people have is about the life of hemp seeds. It still goes whether they are salted or toasted. Unopened, their shelf life can go up to 14 months or a little over a year. However, opening them will go to 3 or 6Read more ⟶
Keeping Your Cannabis Seeds Alive Part 1 – Proper Storage Tips You Should Know
Growers likely have a stash of high-quality cannabis seeds. As for non-commercial cultivators, storing the rest is a viable and cost-effective way to maintain your crop. Cannabis seeds are durable by nature, but that doesn’t mean you can leave them in your closet and expect a fruitful harvest down the line. If you plan toRead more ⟶
Keeping Your Cannabis Seeds in Good Condition
If you’re planning to grow cannabis seeds, you must know what you’re signing up for because it requires a good deal of energy and time to ensure you can look forward to a fruitful harvest. When you learn to care for your seeds, you can expect them to grow well in time! Like all seeds,Read more ⟶
How to Store Cannabis Seeds at the Right Temperature
When you want to preserve cannabis seeds and grow these plants in the future, storing them in the ideal temperature is paramount for your plans. As you may or may not be aware, these seeds are very sensitive as they are prone to moulds, pests, and other contaminants. If they are kept in changing temperaturesRead more ⟶