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How to Grow Your Cannabis Seeds at Home

Growing cannabis Seeds

Growing cannabis can be overwhelming for a first-timer. Just like other plants, they require a lot of care, attention, and time. However, unlike other plants, you don’t just plant them in the soil, give them a bit of sunshine, and provide them with some water from time-to-time—it takes a lot more to ensure it grows healthily. In growing cannabis, you need to have the right knowledge for a successful harvest.

For a successful effort, read through this simple guide to growing cannabis at home:

Grow Them Indoors

It is recommended that you grow your weed indoors because you are more in control—it’s up to you how much light and heat to expose your plants. This will then let them grow much faster. On the other hand, growing cannabis seeds outdoors makes you dependent on nature’s rhythms, which can be unpredictable and take a bit more time. However, yields are usually higher outdoors.

Choose the Right Strain

Every strain is different—some grow slower, while some grow faster. If you want to harvest quickly, it’s best to grow an autoflowering strain. This type of cannabis seed strain matures fast; you cannot alter or control the vegetative stage and the time of flowering starts directly from germinating or potting the seed, not depending on a light cycle.  They are mostly ready by the eighth or tenth week, up to half the time it would take to grow a photoperiod variety.

Here are some of the most popular autoflowering cannabis strains you can grow:

Monitor the Light Cycle

Lighting is crucial to growing cannabis; this dramatically affects the crop’s quality and overall yield. You can induce flowering at the right time for optimal harvest, as long as you know how and when to change the light cycles.

You must strictly monitor the light cycles during these two stages:

Vegetative Stage Light Cycle

The vegetative stage is when your cannabis seeds are beginning to grow—the stems and leaves are starting to grow larger and taller. The length of time you keep your plants in a vegetative state will affect your plants’ final size.

Some growers opt for fewer plants but a more extended vegetative period. In comparison, those who grow a large volume of smaller plants utilise a shorter vegetative period, which is around two weeks.

The proper amount of light you use during the vegetative state helps the plant grow healthier. During this stage, keep the plants under at least 18 hours of exposure to light and 6 hours to the darkness. Ensure that the light cycle is accurately timed, as more than 12 hours of exposure to darkness will trigger flowering.

Flowering Stage Light Cycle

Once you’ve reached the desired size and shape level in the vegetative stage, you can now move on to the flowering stage.

To switch the lighting for the flowering phase without shocking your plants, adjust the duration of their exposure to darkness to 12 hours each. This is the most common light cycle for the flowering stage. During the 12 hours of darkness, the cannabis starts to flower while still receiving enough light to produce buds.


Now that you know more about growing weed more properly, you should start looking for the right source to buy your cannabis seeds. Ensure that the person or shop you’re buying from will provide a great selection of genuine cannabis seeds that will result in a bountiful harvest.

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