Cannabis Seed Germination: Moist vs Soaked

How to Maximise Cannabis Seed Germination: Moist vs Soaked

What is the most effective method for germinating cannabis seeds? Let’s continue our germination test series with another critical question: should the seeds be placed in wet circumstances, or should they be thoroughly soaked to achieve the best germination rates and fastest germination speed? You might be surprised by the answer!

Germination of Cannabis Seeds in Moist vs Soaked Conditions

Fifteen cannabis seeds were sprouted in soaking settings, and 15 seeds germinated in damp conditions to compare germination conditions. Is it beneficial to add too much water to your cannabis seed germination, or does it have a significant negative impact?

Perfect germination occurred when cannabis seeds were germinated between gently sprayed (i.e. damp) cotton pads. All 15 seeds germinated without a hitch. However, only three of the 15 seeds inserted between soaked (saturated) cotton pads survived. Others exhibited dark colour on the embryonic root, indicating that the root had begun to decompose due to the wet environment.

How much water should you use to germinate cannabis seeds?

The answer is: not too much!

Moist in this context means moist, not soggy. There should be plenty of oxygen for the cannabis seeds to breathe, so thoroughly soak the seeds, and you end up with a waterlogged environment. This is not the ideal way to germinate cannabis seeds.

A good way to germinate cannabis seeds is to moisten the cotton or paper towel, then place the cannabis seeds in the middle. You can either cover the seeds with more moist cotton or place a small cup over the seeds to ensure they do not become overly saturated.

As mentioned in the “cannabis growing tips” article, you want to ensure the plant has plenty of oxygen while it’s developing the primary root system. This is the only time you want the cannabis seeds exposed to moisture.

If you have previously germinated cannabis seeds, you will know that each seed has its own germination cycle. Some seeds will germinate in 2-5 days, while other seeds may take a week or two to germinate. Plants that have not germinated after months are unfortunately not likely to germinate.

How do you maximise germination rates?

If you are new to cannabis seed germination, practising seed germination with less expensive fruit/veg seeds may boost your confidence. This allows you to practice the cotton pad seed germination method without putting your expensive cannabis seeds at risk. As soon as you start seeing successful seed germination from other seed types, your confidence in cannabis seeds will improve.


As you can see, the conditions can dramatically affect your cannabis seed germination. If you are using cannabis seeds to grow a crop of cannabis, your goal is to germinate as many seeds as possible as quickly as possible.

For this reason, our recommendation for growing cannabis successfully is to germinate cannabis seeds in moderately moist cotton or damp paper towel. If you are not successful, try again with a different seed batch. This process may require patience; germinating cannabis seeds successfully is a great skill, but you will master it with practice.

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