cannabis seeds as part of your nutritional diet

Making Cannabis Seeds a Part of Your Nutritional Diet

Cannabis has long been a well-rounded plant that has been beneficial since ancient times. It was a plant that was used in Asia for various purposes. Long before it was effectively used in treating symptoms and illness, it was already a herbal medicine used by the ancient people. It was also part of their religious ceremonies, as well as farming and navel applications.

Among its many uses, one of the most frequently highlighted applications of cannabis is its health benefits. In fact, consuming its parts—particularly the seeds—can supply one’s body with the fibre and nutrients it needs without the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) or the element that can make one feel high after.

What Health Benefits Can You Get From Cannabis Seeds

If you are wondering where the hype is coming from, here are just some of the many health benefits that cannabis seeds can offer to your body:

  • They are naturally rich in protein.
  • They are rich in omega oils.
  • They contain low levels of unsaturated fats.
  • They are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.
  • They contain the nine amino acids.
  • They can boost your immune system health.
  • They can reduce your risk of health conditions such as heart diseases or low blood pressure.
  • They are free of psychoactive properties.

How to Incorporate Cannabis Seeds into Your Daily Cooking

Cannabis seeds are one of the most valued plant-based protein sources out there. Besides protein, they are known for their healthy fats and numerous minerals. They also have a mild and nutty flavour, making them a great meal addition for various recipes.

If you are wondering how you can incorporate this ingredient into your daily menu, here are some suggestions you can explore:

  • As An Oil: No, we do not suggest using cannabis seeds as actual cooking oil for frying food. If you do that, they would smoke and burn a lot due to the low temperature. Instead, you can use them for dressing your salads, just as you would with olive oil. The oil can also be used as a mix-in ingredient for your smoothies.
  • As Milk: You can find cannabis seed milk in the market, and they are perfect for people who want to drink milk but are vegan or lactose intolerant. Besides being nutritious and healthy, cannabis seed milk is also low in fat.
  • As Your Gluten-Free Flour: If you need to make doughs, cookies, pizzas, and pancakes, you can use cannabis seed flour as it is gluten-free. However, for the same reason, beware that they may be tricky to use at first. Getting the right texture can be a challenge, but with some trial-and-error, this flour may be your new favourite!


People have heard a lot about how cannabis is a valuable plant in various means, but not everyone knows that its cannabis seeds can also be used in the kitchen. Cannabis seeds come in many forms and can be used in your favourite recipes. You can eat them with or without the shells and incorporate them into your daily diet. If you want to add this nutty flavour to your meals, consider trying them out!

If you are looking for cannabis seeds for sale in the UK, Coffee Shop Seeds offers the best quality cannabis seeds, marijuana seeds, and CBD in the country. We specialise in delivering the highest quality cannabis seeds, supplying more than 1,000 products from over 120 breeders. Browse our products today to see what suits your preferences best.

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