Types of CBD Seeds – What to Know

Types of CBD Seeds – In recent times, there has been much talk about the growth and use of cannabis plants. Among them, hemp is grown and cultivated to produce an extremely low level of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and achieve a high content of Cannabidiol (CBD) component. Know that THC is the chemical responsible for mostRead more ⟶

4 Ways to Maximise Auto-Flowering Cannabis Plants Harvest

Maximise Auto-Flowering Cannabis Plants – As one of the biggest trends in the cannabis world, auto-flowering plants have received a significant amount of buzz in recent years—for all the right reasons. Why are auto-flowering cannabis plants sought-after? The main reason auto-flowing cannabis plants have been widely-acclaimed by professional and amateur growers alike is that theyRead more ⟶

A Basic Guide to Transplanting Cannabis Seedlings

Transplanting Cannabis Seedlings – Out of all the different steps in the entire cannabis life cycle, most people tend to struggle with the seedling phase because of the complicated and intricate process that comes with it. No matter how difficult it can get, however, it is still important to take the utmost care when dealingRead more ⟶