Hemp Growth for CBD Seeds or Fibre

There has been so much talk in recent years about the growth and use of cannabis plants. With the recent legalisation of its counterpart—Marijuana—in some countries and states, hemp has increasingly become popular in various industries. In fact, it’s deemed to be one of the most profitable crops today that is predicted to be aRead more ⟶

3 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Growing CBD Hemp Seeds

Thanks to the widespread legalisation of cannabis all over the United Kingdom, Brtish citizens have been afforded the opportunity to enjoy the beneficial herb in various forms. From enjoying spliffs to ripping bongs, the manners in which one can enjoy nature’s medicine are nearly endless. Thanks to the ingenuity of researchers, manufacturers, and connoisseurs alike.Read more ⟶

CBD Seedlings – 4 Tips to Help You Successfully Care for Them

CBD Seedlings – There’s nothing more gratifying than seeing your cannabis seeds bursting to life. If you want yours to grow well, then you need to start taking care of them properly, as early as their seedling stage. Your plants are at their most delicate when they’re seedlings, therefore, they require extra care. Here areRead more ⟶

Types of CBD Seeds – What to Know

Types of CBD Seeds – In recent times, there has been much talk about the growth and use of cannabis plants. Among them, hemp is grown and cultivated to produce an extremely low level of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and achieve a high content of Cannabidiol (CBD) component. Know that THC is the chemical responsible for mostRead more ⟶