Growing large enough flowers to maximise cannabinoid content has proven to be a challenge for those who are tending to a weed garden. During the flowering phase of the plant, its flowers are highly-valued as they contain THC. The flowers of female plants contain the highest proportion of cannabinoids and are therefore the most significantRead more ⟶
Tag: Growing
How to Legally Grow Hemp in the UK
A vast majority of the industrial hemp in the UK is grown locally and is used within the building and construction industry. This is because hemp has insulating properties that are used to fashion building-block material. hemp is also used in body care products, plastics, and paper. CBD Hemp vs. Industrial Hemp A lot ofRead more ⟶
Handling Feminised Seeds – 5 Plant-Care Practices to Know
Handling Feminised Seeds – Using feminised strains are a significant advancement when it comes to developing Cannabidiol (CBD) produce. After appearing in the market for more than a decade ago, they’ve changed the way that the growing game is played. The genetics of feminised CBD seeds allows their crop sizes to be calculated to exactRead more ⟶
CBD Seedlings – 4 Tips to Help You Successfully Care for Them
CBD Seedlings – There’s nothing more gratifying than seeing your cannabis seeds bursting to life. If you want yours to grow well, then you need to start taking care of them properly, as early as their seedling stage. Your plants are at their most delicate when they’re seedlings, therefore, they require extra care. Here areRead more ⟶
A Grower’s Guide to Growing Hemp in Greenhouses
Thanks to the worldwide cannabis revolution in the legislature and cultural contexts, the UK has experienced quite a shift in its majority stand towards growing hemp in greenhouses, enjoying, and making the most out of CBD products. For hemp, in particular, the cannabis Sativa derivative has spiked quite a demand in recent years thanks toRead more ⟶
Everything You Need to Know About CBD Seed Growth
CBD Seed Growth – CBD Cannabis seeds have many different uses, mainly for medicinal purposes. Knowing how they work will make you more insightful when it comes to the specifics and uses of the seeds. How germination of CBD seeds work Cannabidiol, or CBD, seeds are around three to four millimetres long and roughly twoRead more ⟶
Types of CBD Seeds – What to Know
Types of CBD Seeds – In recent times, there has been much talk about the growth and use of cannabis plants. Among them, hemp is grown and cultivated to produce an extremely low level of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and achieve a high content of Cannabidiol (CBD) component. Know that THC is the chemical responsible for mostRead more ⟶
Our Guide on Auto-Flowering Cannabis Plants
Auto-Flowering Cannabis Plants – There’s no denying that growing and using cannabis plants have been widely talked about in recent times. One facet of the cannabis plants that are gradually taking grounds is the cannabis plant flower. When it comes to the plant’s flower, there’s one specific type of cannabis variety that has been especiallyRead more ⟶
How to Deal with Stretching Cannabis Seedlings
Deal with Stretching Cannabis Seedlings – Many new marijuana growers may believe that having spindly, stretchy stems from seedlings is an impression of a tall plant waiting to flourish. However, it is a tell-tale sign of stress and serves as the bane of unseasoned cultivators. The long stems don’t provide a stable base for theRead more ⟶
4 Ways to Maximise Auto-Flowering Cannabis Plants Harvest
Maximise Auto-Flowering Cannabis Plants – As one of the biggest trends in the cannabis world, auto-flowering plants have received a significant amount of buzz in recent years—for all the right reasons. Why are auto-flowering cannabis plants sought-after? The main reason auto-flowing cannabis plants have been widely-acclaimed by professional and amateur growers alike is that theyRead more ⟶