Perfecting the Art of Cannabis Curing: Techniques, Tips, and the Key to Preserving Buds

Introduction: Cannabis cultivation is a multifaceted endeavour, and one crucial aspect that is often overlooked is the curing process. Curing involves the slow drying and preservation of harvested cannabis buds, enabling the retention of their potency, flavour, and aroma. By optimising the curing process, cultivators can enhance their final product’s quality, ensuring a more satisfyingRead more ⟶

The Key Signs That Cannabis Is Ready to Be Harvested

The best way to determine when to harvest your cannabis crop is to use a magnifying glass or microscope to examine the trichomes on the buds. Trichomes are the tiny, hair-like structures that cover the surface of the buds and contain the majority of the plant’s cannabinoids and terpenes.   When the trichomes are clear, theRead more ⟶

Autoflower Cannabis – When is the Ideal Time to Harvest

Harvesting buds is not as simple as chopping branches, drying them out, and hanging them in your closet when you’re having a party. You need to wait for the right moment to pick your flowers in order to get the best possible effect. Auto Harvesting Harvest time. It sounds so simple, right? Of course, itRead more ⟶

Harvesting Cannabis – How to Grade Your Cannabis Seeds

Raising a bountiful harvest of cannabis can be challenging, especially since it’s a type of plant that has very particular needs. You’ll need to set up an environment that can attend to its different requirements, from the right humidity levels to appropriate soil nutrient conditions. Any miscalculation you make can ruin an entire crop, leadingRead more ⟶

Our Guide to Pollinating Cannabis Plants for Seed Production

Pollinating Cannabis Plants – In the world of plants and vegetation, pollination plays a vital role in their life cycle. Pollination is the process of transferring pollen from a male to a female part of a plant for its fertilisation and seed production. This process is essential in creating offspring for the next generation. DidRead more ⟶

The Best Way to Handle Your Flowering Cannabis Plants

How to handle your flowering cannabis plants – For both amateur and professional marijuana growers, the flowering stage of your cannabis plant is the most awaited and most important part of its life cycle. It is also the most sensitive time in the plant’s life, as it needs specialized care during this period in orderRead more ⟶

How to Grow Cannabis Buds to Maximise your Harvest

Growing large enough flowers to maximise cannabinoid content has proven to be a challenge for those who are tending to a weed garden. During the flowering phase of the plant, its flowers are highly-valued as they contain THC. The flowers of female plants contain the highest proportion of cannabinoids and are therefore the most significantRead more ⟶

The Pros & Cons Of Early/Late Harvests of Cannabis

The pros and cons of early or late harvests of cannabis – Timing is critical in harvesting cannabis. If you reap them early, the buds won’t be as effective. On the other hand, if you gather them late, you may end up collecting infected plants. However, while harvest time is exciting, the process to getRead more ⟶