Can Amnesia Haze Help You Control Anxiety?

One of the most common mental health issues is anxiety, followed by depression and other mental health issues. With millions of Europeans inside the EU affected by anxiety alone, it’s no wonder that so many Europeans are looking for ways to manage the symptoms that anxiety results in. While there are indeed many methods andRead more ⟶

Cannabis and Migraines – Things to Know from Recent Research

Cannabis is continually being studied for its various health benefits, whether for recreational use or therapeutic purposes. If you ask enthusiasts about it, you’ll hear how plenty of people say that puffing on a joint can do many things, such as alleviate stress and anxiety, help you get better sleep, and even take the edgeRead more ⟶

Are High THC Strains Better Than the Low THC Strains?

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that cannabis has become more popular than ever. Indeed, cannabis has achieved widespread acceptance in different parts of the world. And while this has been great for cannabis enthusiasts, the cannabis industry has also experienced massive improvements. Due to how popular it has become, cannabis growers have refinedRead more ⟶

Cannabis Confidential – Comparing CBD and THC Compounds

The cannabis plant contains several compounds that are useful for different uses. However, two of the most common compounds that make it famous as a recreational drug are the cannabinoids cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These two have similar yet varying degrees of impact on the human body, notably due to the levels of therapeuticRead more ⟶

Understanding Microdosing and Medical Marijuana

One of the most prevalent trends in the cannabis industry is the experimentation with the breeding and growing of high-THC strains. Cultivators around the world are constantly trying to outdo themselves and each other, so much so that enthusiasts now determine the quality of a strain based on its THC percentage, whether they use marijuanaRead more ⟶

4 CBD Strains That Can Help Alleviate Anxiety

One of the most pervasive mental health issues in the world today is anxiety, which is also one of the biggest reasons people rely on cannabis. Scientists are actively investigating how cannabis affects anxiety, and yet despite the lack of evidence, some studies have shown essential trends that point to specific cannabis strains that haveRead more ⟶

Our Guide to CBD & THC Strains

CBD & THC Strains – The cannabis plant has posed many controversies, both in a negative and positive light. However, with various researches and medical breakthroughs, it has shown that there are many potentials that this plant brings. One notable difference is that this plant contains two of the most popular properties: cannabinoids (CBD) andRead more ⟶