Sativa and Indica

Understanding the Differences Between Indica and Sativa

Cannabis has slowly but surely started to become more commonplace all over the world. Different products such as edibles and cannabis oil are now used by millions of people from all over the world. So much so that people nowadays are now more aware of the different cannabis seeds, types, and strains. Now, we understand that it might be a little difficult to keep track of everything as this may be too much information for the average person. Luckily, there is a way around this.

For those of you who want to get a better understanding of cannabis, it would be beneficial to focus on the two main types of cannabis: Indica and Sativa. If this is something that you’ve always wanted to know about, read as we discuss the differences between indica and sativa.


Just like other plants, cannabis plants possess different properties based on where they were originally grown. While these types of cannabis can be grown from pretty much anywhere nowadays, the two main types vary wildly when it comes to their place of origin.

Indica’s origins can be traced back to central Asia and parts of India. Indica was first seen in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, northern India, Tibet, and Nepal. On the other hand, Sativas originate from the equatorial regions. Sativas were observed to be grown in countries like Thailand, Southern India, Jamaica, and Mexico. As you can see, these types of cannabis thrive in warmer climates. This is pretty typical for the cannabis plant as the optimal temperature range for cultivating cannabis is 24 to 30 °C.


The two plant types don’t really have many major differences when it comes to their appearance. Indicas tend to be compact and stockier, while Sativas grow much taller than Indicas. Sativas buds also typically grow larger than Indicas but will weigh less than Indicas due to their lower density.

Flowering Time

For those of you that don’t know, flowering time refers to the period of time required for the buds to be ready for harvest. While the plants are similar in many ways, they have vastly different flowering times.

For the most part, Sativas take longer to be ready compared to Indicas. Sativas will need between 60 to 90 days to completely bloom. Indicas take around 8 weeks to completely flower. However, it’s also important to note that Sativas also tend to grow much faster than Indicas. When you consider the vegetative growth period, it will take roughly the same amount of time to harvest Indicas and Sativas.


Before we talk about the specific effects of these two types, it’s important to mention that cannabis affects everyone differently. What we discuss here may be far different from what you experience. This side of cannabis isn’t really an exact science, so be aware that these effects may vary,

Indicas are usually associated with feelings of relaxation. This is why people who are stressed or anxious tend to gravitate towards indicas. Given this, Indicas also have a slowing effect and can cause you to feel more sleepy.

On the flipside, Sativas are the exact opposite of Indicas. Instead of feeling sleepy, Sativas have an uplifting effect. This is why sativas are a popular choice for creatives, as it allows them to lean into the creative process.


We hope this article has helped shed some light on sativa and indica. While there are many more strains that you have to know about, understanding the basics of Sativa and Indica will go a long way when it comes to furthering your knowledge of cannabis. With this information, you can better tackle and discuss more complex strains comprehensively.

Coffee Shop Seeds is a trusted source of high-quality cannabis seeds in the UK. We have thousands of supplies coming from world-renowned breeders. If you want high-quality products, be sure to get in touch with us today to place your orders!

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One thought on “Understanding the Differences Between Indica and Sativa

  1. I will believe there is a difference in the experience of Sativas and Indicas when I’ve seen them accurately identified by users in a blind folded test. Otherwise, users who know about and discuss the two strains ALWAYS know which one they are using before they tell you about the effects. No other drug is evaluated that way.

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