Stages of Marijuana Plant Growth

What Are the Stages of Marijuana Plant Growth

The amount of nutrients, light, and water a cannabis plant needs vary as it grows and matures. It’s important to know these life stages in order to provide the right amount of each resource. The best you can do is provide the right amount of nutrients, light, and water if you know what stages your plants are in and when they will be in them.

What Are the Stages of Marijuana Plant Growth? A Guide

Even if you are the most experienced marijuana grower, it can be difficult to keep up with all the stages and the nutrients, light, and water each stage needs.

Knowing the marijuana growth stages can help you provide your plants with the right amount of each resource at the right time. Here is a guide to the four major stages in the life of a marijuana plant.

1 – Seed Germination

Seed germination is the very first step in the life of a marijuana plant. Marijuana seeds are very small and require a very special environment to germinate. Germination is the process of a seed breaking through the shell and emerging from the ground.

Germination is critical to the survival of the marijuana plant. It must have a suitable germination source for the seed to break through. If there is no viable germination source, the seed will die.

Many marijuana growers worry about germination, but the truth is that it’s not that difficult.

Marijuana seeds need four things to germinate:




Enzyme and hormone production

Marijuana plants won’t germinate if they don’t have any of these four factors.

2 – Seedling Stage

The seedling stage is the next phase in the life of a marijuana plant. This is when the seed breaks out of the shell and emerges from the ground. It is the first major step toward becoming a full-fledged marijuana plant.

The seedling stage is the most vulnerable stage in the life of a marijuana plant. It’s important to keep the seedling alive if you want to have a successful marijuana plant. They are very susceptible to death if they get too cold or too hot.

Most marijuana growers tend to their marijuana seedlings as they begin to sprout. If a marijuana plant isn’t surviving, it’s a good idea to get a new one and start over again.

3 – Vegetative Stage

After the marijuana plant is about 28 days old, it enters the vegetative stage. This is the long growth period when the plant grows as much as possible. The plant is actively growing, and it is creating new leaves and stems.

The vegetative stage lasts for about four to six weeks. During this time, the marijuana plant is getting stronger and preparing to bloom. The vegetative stage is a time to grow the plant, not a time to focus on growing buds.

4 – Flowering Stage

The flowering stage is when the marijuana plant goes through puberty. It will start producing flowers that will eventually turn into buds. The vegetative stage ends when the plant starts flowering.

The flowering stage is when the plant goes from a boy to a man. It begins to grow buds and will be the most productive time for the marijuana plant.

The flowering stage can last from three to six months. During this time, you should make sure your plant gets as much light as possible. Use high-quality cannabis grow light to make sure your plant can get the light it needs.


Knowing the different stages of a marijuana plant can make it easier to grow.

Knowing what goes on inside the plant during each stage can help you provide the right amount of nutrients, light, and water. You will also know when to harvest the marijuana plant and when to take care of it.

If you are looking to buy marijuana seeds, come to Coffee Shop Seeds. We offer you great value with the best quality cannabis seeds, marijuana seeds, and CBD.

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