The Cannabis Flowering Stage

What Should You Do at the Cannabis Flowering Stage?

The flowering stage is the most significant aspect of marijuana cultivation for professional growers. When plants transition from the vegetative to the flowering stage, their growth slows down. When they begin to develop blooms (known as buds), it’s time to give them a new treatment, including changing light and nutrients.

To help you get the best harvest from the marijuana seeds you planted, we will talk about taking care of your flowering cannabis below.

The Different Stages of Flowering Cannabis

The flowering period will last around eight weeks and will include the following stages:

Stage 1

Growing plants indoors gives you the option to establish the ideal habitat for your plants. It’s critical to take advantage of indoor growing rather than relying on the sun’s cycle. The higher the quality of your cannabis flowering stages, the higher the output.

The first 1 to 3 weeks of flowering is a transition period, during which your plants will continue to thrive. Depending on the strain you are using, your plants could double in size.

Stage 2

Instead of hairy pistils, the first actual buds will appear in week 3 or 4. The plant’s development will now decrease dramatically; it’s critical to keep an eye on your plants’ health at this stage. You may see a few dead leaves. You don’t want a severe disease at this time, so keep an eye on your plants’ nutrient levels to make sure nothing unusual is going on.

Keep in mind that only female plants generate buds. Using gendered seeds ensures that you get female plants.

Stage 3

In this stage, you will see the buds with substance. White pistils will protrude in all directions, and the buds will grow more significant by the day. Congratulations! You have come a long way, and your plants are showing their appreciation.

The Best Flowering Stage Tips for Cannabis

If you want to get to the third stage, consider the following flowering-phase strategies:

Cut dead leaves and branches.

Although it may be tempting to prune large branches, your plants require all of the energy and health they can receive right now. Let freshly developed flowers grow peacefully. Instead of a Christmas tree shape, bend the plants and tie them down to make a more horizontal table-like shape.

Keep humidity around 45%.

When maintaining humidity during the flowering period, keep your grow room between 45% and 50%. While cannabis plants prefer moisture, high humidity can lead to powdery mildew on the buds, especially during the cloning and vegging stages.

Have a carbon-filtered airflow system in place.

If your plants haven’t already developed the infamous marijuana odour, use a carbon-filtered airflow system. Use a carbon-filtered airflow system if possible. At this time, your airflow system is critical, and fresh air must constantly flow into your grow chamber. Your plants will require a lot of CO2 (carbon dioxide) for development and health during this time.

Prevent plants from getting nutrient burn.

Nutrient burn can cause your plant’s health to deteriorate. Make sure your plant doesn’t get too much nutrition. If you overfeed your plants, you’ll notice that the tips of the leaves appear scorched.

Maintain light exposure by supporting heavy buds.

At this time, you don’t need to worry about tying your plant down. If your buds are too heavy for your plant, you might consider holding them up and close to the light.

Trim excess foliation.

Some pros defoliate their plants at this point to allow them to focus solely on bud growth. Make sure there are enough leaves to maintain the health of your plant! The plant’s system, and hence bud growth, is fueled by the leaves.

Avoid light burn.

Even if your plants adore your powerful grow lights, make sure they aren’t burned by excessive light and heat.

A crucial point regarding lighting during the flowering stage is that once you begin transitioning to light cycles, never go back from the start. Do not expose your plants to light during the day’s darkest hours. You don’t want to confuse your plants by forcing them to return to the vegetative phase. This could have a significant impact on your yield.

Before week 8, very little blooming cannabis will be ready to harvest. At this time, you’ll be keeping a close eye on your plants. Provide for all of their requirements. It may also be beneficial to rinse them out with plain water for a few days before harvest. They should be ready to harvest between weeks 8 and 10.

Have a Successful Harvest!

Many elements play a role in producing healthy plants with large buds. You may significantly enhance the size and flavour of your crop by following these suggestions and protocols, making all of your hard work worthwhile.

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