What to Know About Autoflower Cannabis Seeds before Buying

What to Know About Autoflower Cannabis Seeds before Buying

Autoflower cannabis is a type of cannabis plant that flowers automatically without the need for a change in the light cycle. This makes them ideal for growing in regions with short growing seasons, as well as indoors. However, despite those benefits, this doesn’t mean that autoflower cannabis is 100% free from any drawbacks. There are, and they’re important to factor in should you be interested in trying autoflower cannabis strains.

So, if you are interested in growing autoflower cannabis, we want to share with you a couple of things you need to know before you get started:

The Difference Between Feminised and Autoflower Cannabis

When it comes to cannabis, there are two main types of plants: feminised and autoflowering. Both of these types have their own unique set of characteristics that make them ideal for different purposes. So, what’s the difference between feminised and autoflowering cannabis?

Feminised cannabis plants are those that have been specifically bred to contain only female genetics. This is done in order to produce a higher yield of usable buds, as only female plants produce flowers (or buds). Feminised plants are also less likely to produce hermaphrodites – plants that contain both male and female genetics – which can reduce the overall quality of the crop. However, some growers have managed to improve the odds of a female emerging by nearly 100%.

Autoflowering cannabis plants, on the other hand, are those that have been bred to flower automatically, regardless of the light cycle. This makes them ideal for growers who don’t want to have to worry about changing the light cycle in order to induce flowering. Autoflowering plants also tend to be smaller and more compact than their feminised counterparts, making them easier to grow in smaller spaces.

So, which type of cannabis plant is right for you? That depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you’re looking for a high-yield crop of top-quality buds, then feminised plants are the way to go. If you want a plant that’s easy to grow and doesn’t require much attention, then an autoflowering plant might be a better option. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which type of cannabis plant is right for your grow operation.

The Main Pros and Cons of Autoflower Cannabis

While there are a couple of pros and cons of autoflower cannabis, we want to talk about the main ones:

The main pro of autoflowering cannabis is that it can be grown in a shorter time frame. This is because autoflowering plants do not rely on the light cycle to determine when to flower. This means that autoflowering plants can be grown indoors and outdoors, in any climate, and still flower within a few weeks. And, since they grow quicker, you harvest more often.

The main con of autoflowering cannabis is that the plants are generally smaller and produce fewer buds. This is because autoflowering plants typically have a shorter vegetative stage. However, there are some autoflowering strains that have been bred to be larger and produce more buds. Those types of strains compensate for the drawbacks, making autoflower cannabis even more worth it.


Overall, autoflowering cannabis has some pros and cons. However, the pros may outweigh the cons for some growers. It really all depends on your needs and expectations! And, once you’ve factored in what feminised cannabis can offer you, deciding whether you want to opt for the feminised route or the autoflower route is much easier. So, pick a route you want and enjoy the process.

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