Growing Marijuana Seeds

What You Need To Know About Growing Marijuana Seeds

Growing marijuana isn’t easy. It takes a lot of time and energy, but once you are able to enjoy your first harvest, you know just how rewarding the entire effort really is. But of course, if you had previous experience growing other things before, then growing weed shouldn’t be too hard. However, whether you’re an expert or a newbie, there are a few things you must know to effectively grow marijuana.

So, let’s delve into the topic of growing marijuana to help you get started:

What Do Marijuana Seeds Look Like?

Weed seeds come in the form of small, oval-shaped fruits that derive from cannabis plants. On the outside, a membrane called the albumen covers the seed in the centre until germination. In the middle of the seed, you’ll find the embryo that the plant will grow from, and it is here where the plant’s genetic code is kept and also where the taproot forms.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Growing Marijuana From The Seed?

There are a couple of pros and cons you need to know when growing marijuana from seed form.

In terms of pros, having the taproot grow from the seeds means that the plant will have more support in its initial growth stages. Also, growing marijuana from the seed ensures that there are no pests that are inherited from the mother plant. And, of course, there are a ton of seeds to pick from, meaning that you can buy many and store them until you want to use them.

Now, when it comes to the cons, the biggest problem is that you won’t really know whether the seed is male or female (unless purchased Feminised Seeds) until it reaches the flowering stage. Also, they take a while to germinate, and germinating seeds can be a lot more challenging to grow for inexperienced growers.

How Are The Marijuana Seeds Grown?

Marijuana seeds can grow in many ways, both inside and outside. However, this will highly depend on the given conditions, resources, and space available. More often than not, if you want to grow marijuana indoors, you will need a dedicated space along with equipment like glow lights, fans, and more. Of course, the benefit of this is that it is way more private and controlled, but it comes at the cost of being more pricey and demanding.

Now, with growing outdoors, the only downfall is that the growing season is limited. However, thanks to sunlight, you may find that the seeds grow bigger.

Which one you pick, whether indoors or outdoors, is up to you. Just note that you can grow them from seed or as clones. Clones are generally easier, but which route you go is up to you.

How Long Does It Take For Marijuana Seeds To Germinate?

Marijuana seeds normally take between 1-2 days to germinate, while others take up to even a week, after which they develop a taproot. The taproot is really vital to the plant because it helps it achieve stability and also helps it find its way to sunlight. Furthermore, the time it takes for the plant to grow will also depend on how old the plant is.


As you can see, there is a lot to know about growing marijuana from the seed. But of course, now that you’ve armed yourself with knowledge, you’re one step closer to growing marijuana. That said, do as much research as you need to properly get started, and if you want, reach out to experienced individuals about how you can get started growing marijuana successfully!

Coffee Shops Seeds sells quality cannabis and marijuana seeds for a great value. If you are looking to buy marijuana seeds, check out what we offer!

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